Our Services

HyperGuest provides a digital online proprietary platform that allows direct connectivity between accommodation providers (of any kind) and travel providers (of any sort).

By utilizing direct connectivity the platform allows placement of direct bookings (i.e. travel providers can place reservations directly with accommodation providers).

The platform offers and supports two main models:

Marketplace: accommodation providers can place their inventory for “sale” in a digital arena where travel providers can access it and directly place bookings. This allows for accommodation providers to work directly with an abundance of travel providers without the need to pre-contract each of them separately. Vice-versa, travel providers can work directly with an abundance of accommodation providers without the need to pre-contract each of them separately.

Bilateral Relationship: additionally, in coexistence with the Marketplace, accommodation providers and travel providers can agree on different rates and terms (than those of the Marketplace) and with just a few clicks, create and set bilateral relationships based on designated rates and terms as pre-agreed on between each party.

Connectivity: the technology landscape for hotel as well as demand providers is highly fragmented. The largest players dont reach 10% market share and most requests to integrate are are declined. Integrating require specialized know-how and architecture. With HyperGuest, a single integration offers both supply and demand players access to do business without ever having to worry about connectivity. The critical mass of solutions are already integrated, and new ones are being added and certified constantly.

Furthermore, based on pre-agreed and pre-set relationships, our platform allows easy and direct connectivity between accommodation providers and technology providers (of any kind and sort) that facilitates technological solutions/services obtained by accommodation providers.

And this is just the beginning…

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