Asociación entre HyperGuest y B&B Hotels: remodelando la distribución hotelera mundial
«HyperGuest nos permite acceder directamente al ecosistema de viajes en línea B2B, lo que mejora la visibilidad, las ventas y las nuevas asociaciones. Su sofisticada interfaz permite estructuras tarifarias flexibles, lo que aumenta nuestra notoriedad y nuestros ingresos entre Travel Demand Partners».
Nordbeds ofrece tarifas competitivas a través de la conectividad directa con HyperGuest
»A medida que el mercado evoluciona, mejorar las relaciones con los socios hoteleros es crucial para garantizar tarifas competitivas, disponibilidad y reservas fluidas».
Bruno Trathaug, Head of Contracting & B2B Distribution
Vertical Booking adopta la innovadora distribución directa B2B de HyperGuest
«Cuando HyperGuest introdujo por primera vez el concepto de distribución directa, provocó una revolución en la industria hotelera».
Christian Lepom, Chief Operating Officer
Pasar de la distribución estática a reservas rentables.
Haga que la distribución hotelera sea transparente, totalmente controlada y mucho más rentable, todo en la misma plataforma. Sin intermediarios. Sin terceros. Nadie acepta comisiones innecesarias.
Soy hotelero
La sencilla conexión a la API le permite colocar automáticamente la disponibilidad de habitaciones en tiempo real en nuestro mercado. Las habitaciones están listas para que las reserven directamente los proveedores de viajes. Da la bienvenida a la transparencia de los datos. Diga adiós a las altas comisiones. Siéntese y mire las habitaciones volar.
Con el mercado HyperGuest, los proveedores de viajes ahora tienen el poder. Vea y reserve habitaciones reales y en vivo a precios reales y competitivos. Evita a los intermediarios. Evite los altos costos de las comisiones. Y elimine las reservas falsas de una vez por todas, a la velocidad de la luz.
Conexión directa entre la oferta y la demanda. HyperGuest elimina las múltiples capas de mayoristas que merman el margen de beneficio de un hotel y provocan errores en las reservas e inconsistencias en los precios.
Acceda de forma más instantánea. Con HyperGuest, las OTAs y los grupos de demanda ahora pueden acceder a habitaciones de calidad en tiempo real, para que puedas ofrecer a tus clientes un mejor servicio y precios.
La plataforma avanzada lo hace perfecto. La API HyperGuest es insuperable y se ha creado desde cero. Software noarcaico o heredado. Ambas partes están listas para comprar y vender en unos instantes. Fácil de implementar para los proveedores de viajes, fácil de difundir el inventario para los hoteleros.
Sin perdedores. Los hoteleros venden habitaciones con menos comisiones y tienen acceso a los datos de los clientes. Los proveedores de viajes pueden reservar con confianza y hacer crecer sus negocios. Los clientes obtienen las mejores habitaciones a un precio excelente con un servicio genuino de OTA.
Con la confianza de las principales marcas hoteleras y de viajes
«El uso de HyperGuest Marketplace nos permitió recuperar el control estratégico de nuestra distribución B2B para todos nuestros clientes y obtener una transparencia total sobre las tarifas, los términos y las políticas al reducir increíblemente la disparidad de tarifas. HyperGuest es una evolución de la distribución, por lo que recomiendo encarecidamente a cualquier persona del sector hotelero que también se una a HyperGuest»
The Net Revenue
«¡HyperGuest nos permite aumentar la visibilidad y las ventas, así como conectarnos con nuevos socios!»
Hoteles y centros turísticos de Corendon
“Before we joined HyperGuest, we were dealing a lot with scalability challenges, as new integrations in the B2B landscape took months to implement. Working with HyperGuest helped us display our direct inventory to an enormous number of Tour Operators in just a few days!”
Dot Rewards
"As a result of connecting with HyperGuest, we were exposed to new agents who were previously unable to work with us due to difficulties in connecting to the PMS hotel management interface. We find that the HyperGuest interface is sophisticated and allows maximum flexibility when it comes to different policies based on segments, countries of origin, fees, etc."
Aliza Avishel, Revenue Manager
"We decided to collaborate with HyperGuest Channel in order to achieve more controlled and transparent distribution, reduce unnecessary commission costs, and minimize third-party intermediaries. Travel providers can confidently book our rooms in real time."
Ramón Regás, Director Comercial
"HyperGuest enables us to increase visibility and sales, as well as connect with new travel partners. We find HyperGuest's interface to be sophisticated and flexible when it comes to different rate structures based on segments, source markets, etc. We are confident that HyperGuest will help us increase awareness of B&B Hotels within the Travel Demand Partners and drive new revenues and customers."
"The main reason for choosing HyperGuest was the opportunities for new business partnerships through the marketplace, the availability and speed of the team in responding to connection requests, and the ease of processing and guaranteeing payments with partners."
Ricardo Vieira, Executive Commercial Director
"HyperGuest met all our requirements for connecting our hotels directly with B2B ecosystems!"
Anis Meghirbi, Corporate Director of Sales & Marketing
"HyperGuest helps us increase our brand visibility and reach a broader customer base."
Matthias Rud, Distribution and E-Commerce Manager
"We chose HyperGuest because its technology opens up markets around the world that were previously inaccessible to us."
Alex Löw, Project Manager Revenue
"We are confident that HyperGuest will help us build a recognizable brand and attract new revenues and customers."
Chatrada Nutrujirod, E-Commerce Manager
"We decided to connect to HyperGuest because we believe it is a tool that will facilitate communication and work dynamics between hotels and travel agencies. Fixed and dynamic rates connected to our rate distribution center make everything much easier and more agile!"
Jonathan Sutton Dabbah, Alvear Hoteles
"We chose to work with HyperGuest because it has +100 channel managers on the Marketplace that allow us to have direct connectivity with all the hotels in the platform."
Rooms Dealer
"Working with HyperGuest allow us to integrate with many channel managers directly, instead of developing many integrations with all channels one by one."
"We have decided to collaborate with HyperGuest as they are the intermediary useful for competitive and dynamic collaborations with our suppliers. HyperGuest is able to provide a very important inventory for companies at amazing conditions, this makes the game competitive and fair with our competitors."
One Up Travel
"By connecting with HyperGuest, we were able to extend our hotel portfolio by gaining direct access to hotels."
Tatiana Saviuc, Sales Manager
"HyperGuest gives us the technology to connect directly with hotels and chains anywhere in the world."
Tomer Eni, Chief of Operations
"Collaborating with strategic partners is essential for us to achieve our objective of ranking among the top five global online travel marketplaces by 2028. Alongside our excellent collaboration with HyperGuest, we will offer more hotel options to our +165 million visitors, enhancing our user experience while presenting quality content without intermediaries."
Ferhat UYANIK, Head of Hotels
"As the market moves towards a dynamic model, this is an important step for us to enhance our relationships with our hotel partners, ensuring competitive rates, availability, and seamless delivery of bookings to our valued partners."
Bruno Trathaug, Head of Contracting & B2B Distribution
"HyperGuest connects us directly to thousands of active hotels worldwide and saves us a lot of time by providing a centralized platform to connect with all these hotels."
Emir Kamizi,
"HyperGuest helps us connect with thousands of hotels quickly and easily."
Martín Cornejo, Managing Partner
"BYHOURS partnered with HyperGuest mainly to improve the supply and product offerings on our platform. By being connected with different channel managers, we can offer a wider variety of hotel options to our customers while also avoiding problems with price parity. The partnership with HyperGuest also provides hotels with a new platform to increase revenue, completely complementary to their PNL."
Guillermo Gaspart, CEO
"We are pleased to announce our partnership with HyperGuest! They are an innovative company with a very helpful team, and they bring a lot of value to us."
Bijoy Mehta, Marketing Officer
"As a fast-growing technology company, we always strive to work with the best tech providers who can effectively remove barriers for us. HyperGuest seems to effectively solve a real problem in the hotel distribution world."
Benny Yonovich, CEO & Co-Founder
"HyperGuest will open up a new wave of sales by connecting Diversa to selected hotels that are currently offline. We expect to increase business with new independent properties and hotel chains in the Caribbean and other parts of the world."
Charles Franken, Grupo Arbo Director
"We chose to work with HyperGuest to improve the customer experience when creating packages via our platform, allowing us to include better and hand-picked accommodation options."
Ben Julius, Founder
"By joining forces with HyperGuest, we strengthen our position as a premier online travel marketplace, enhancing our ability to offer a diverse selection of hotels through HyperGuest's broad portfolio."
Mine ISIK, Business Development Manager
“We are pleased to have HyperGuest on board with its innovative business model, we are confident that we will be able to access a large inventory at competitive prices and without intermediaries”
Fabio Giangrande, Managing Director
Conéctese a HyperGuest y obtenga acceso directo a los más de 100 de los mejores proveedores de tecnología de viajes, hotelería y canales de distribución b2b del mundo.